Carlos Ojeda, PEPEMILLAS
Madrid, España. Spain
Cuántas veces me
habrán preguntado eso de ¿Y tú por qué corres? No podría contarlas. ¿Y a quién
de nosotros no nos lo han preguntado alguna vez?
Y nunca encontramos una respuesta satisfactoria para quienes nos la hacen. El “porque me gusta”, se queda corto. El contestarles con otra pregunta, tampoco sirve: “¿Y tú por qué no corres y lo averiguas?” No sirve porque de inmediato te contestan con otra pregunta: “¿Tú estas loco?” y siguen con eso de “¿Yo? Yo no corro ni para coger el autobús. ¡Ya vendrá otro!” Y es curioso, porque generalmente, quienes te hacen esta pregunta, tienen algo en común: no corren.
Y nunca encontramos una respuesta satisfactoria para quienes nos la hacen. El “porque me gusta”, se queda corto. El contestarles con otra pregunta, tampoco sirve: “¿Y tú por qué no corres y lo averiguas?” No sirve porque de inmediato te contestan con otra pregunta: “¿Tú estas loco?” y siguen con eso de “¿Yo? Yo no corro ni para coger el autobús. ¡Ya vendrá otro!” Y es curioso, porque generalmente, quienes te hacen esta pregunta, tienen algo en común: no corren.
Y ante esto,
sientes que te quedas desarmado. Y te sientes bicho raro, y que no encajas con
lo que te rodea. Pero te da lo mismo. Sigues adelante. Porque tú sí lo sabes.
Sabes bien por qué corres. No es algo que te preocupe ni que te quite el sueño
por intentar que quien no lo sabe llegue a comprender. Es difícil. Y tan sólo
ver nuestra felicidad al practicarlo debería bastarles para comprenderlo. Pero
a veces, ni eso les llega. Pero no puedes hacer nada y sigues adelante.
quienes no te van a hacer nunca esa pregunta, también tienen algo en común: no
te la harán porque lo saben Y lo saben porque hay otra cosa que tienen en común
es que ellos sí corren.
Pero tengo que
confesar que yo mismo me he hecho esa pregunta más de una vez, e incluso de
forma más extensa. Intento recopilar una pequeña lista de las variantes de esa
pregunta que me he hecho algunas veces…
¿Por qué salgo a
correr, si está lloviendo?
¿Por qué salgo a
correr si hace frío?
¿Por… si hace
¿Por… si estoy
¿Por… si no me
¿Por… si hoy es
Domingo y podía quedarme una hora más en la cama?
¿Por… si seguro que
el entrenamiento no me va a salir como debería?
¡Y son tantos “¿por?”
los que me vienen a la cabeza, mientras me visto de faena, o me estoy atando
las zapatillas! ¿A vosotros – los que corréis, claro -, no? Sí seguro que sí.
¿Y sabéis? Pocas
veces me contesto a esas preguntas en el momento. No me pongo a buscar las
respuestas. No me molesto en ello. No lo hago. Me preparo y tiro para delante.
¿Y sabéis cuándo las respondo? ¿Sabéis cuándo encuentro esas respuestas? Las
encuentro al final de cada entreno, de cada carrera en la que compito. Las
respondo al digerir las sensaciones que he vivido mientras he estado trotando.
Sensaciones que son difíciles de describir. Simplemente se tienen. Y muchas
veces se guardan dentro de uno. Y le inflan. Y le dan energía. Son…
vibraciones, sensaciones de ligereza, de paz, de armonía con uno mismo y con
todo lo que le rodea… Y sientes que vuelas… Y al final… te sientes en paz
contigo mismo.
Hace poco pusieron en
televisión la película de Billy Elliot, el niño que desde niño quiso ser
bailarín de danza, en contra de los deseos de su padre de que practicara boxeo.
Película que no me canso de ver por el fondo que tiene. Sabio consejo de oro el
que le deja su madre por escrito, a la que nunca conoció por fallecer siendo él
todavía muy pequeño. “Hijo, aprende a ser tú mismo. No te importe lo que digan
los demás.”
A Billy le hacen
una prueba de danza en la más prestigiosa academia de Londres. Al final, le
preguntan qué es lo que siente cuando baila. Buscando las palabras adecuadas en
el aire para explicarlo, contesta – más o menos -: “Me siento bien… siento… lo
siento dentro de mí… siento… como electricidad…”
¿Y sabéis? ¡Yo le entiendo! Y la confirmación de que le entiendo me la da el sentir lo que siento cuando veo la escena final con el Lago de los cisnes de fondo musical. ¡Lo ha conseguido! ¡Ha triunfado en lo que perseguía!
¿Y sabéis? ¡Yo le entiendo! Y la confirmación de que le entiendo me la da el sentir lo que siento cuando veo la escena final con el Lago de los cisnes de fondo musical. ¡Lo ha conseguido! ¡Ha triunfado en lo que perseguía!
Bien, pues por algo
así es por lo que yo corro. Siento esa energía, esa electricidad, me siento
ligero, volátil, etéreo… He sentido en mi rostro el frío cortante de la
madrugada, la lluvia, el viento y el susurro de las hojas secas del invierno al
pisarlas mientras corría… y la lluvia empapando mi rostro y mi espalda
confundiéndose con mi sudor… y sé de lo que hablo… y he superado obstáculos que
he dejado atrás y he atravesado metas que me han llevado a lo más alto dentro
de mí mismo… las suficientes para saber por qué corro.
Ahí es donde
encuentro las respuestas de por qué corro, porque las respuestas me vienen
solas en forma de sensaciones que sólo uno puede descifrar.
How often I have
asked myself why do I run? I can’t count
the times I have asked myself and who has not been asked by somebody?
We never find a satisfactory response. The "because I like it" falls short.
We never find a satisfactory response. The "because I like it" falls short.
Asking a
question in return does not serve neither: “why don’t you run so you can find
out yourself?" It does not work because they immediately respond with
asking another question: "Are you crazy?" And continue with "Me?
I do not even run to catch the bus; I prefer to wait for the next one to come”.
It's funny, in
generally people who ask you this question have something in common: they don’t
And this makes me feel disarmed. And I feel a freak, and that I do not fit with my surroundings. But I do not care. I move on. Because I do know why I run. It's not something that worries me or that make me prevent from sleeping trying to make them understand. It’s difficult. Observing my happiness by practicing should be enough for them to understand. But sometimes, even that comes their way. I can’t do anything and I keep going.
Inevitably, those who will never ask that question, they also have something in common: they will not ask because they know why, because there is another thing they have in common, they run.
But I have to confess that I myself have asked that question more than once, and even more extensively. I try to compile a short list of variations on that question I've done a few times ...
Why I run, if it is raining?
Why I run in cold weather?
Why ... if it's hot?
Why ... if I'm tired?
Why ... if I play?
Why ... if today is Sunday and I could stay an extra hour in bed?
Why ... if that training is not going to go as it should?
Why ...?
Why ...?
And there are so many "why?" Those who come to my head while I dress, or I'm putting on my shoes! Do you? – Those that run, of course - right? Yes, for sure.
And do you know? I rarely answer those questions at the moment. I do not look for the answers. I do not bother about it. I don’t. I prepare and keep going. And do you know when I answer? You know when I find those answers? I found out at the end of every workout, or at the end of the race in which I compete. The digest the feelings I experienced while I was jogging. Feelings that are difficult to describe. They are just there. And often are stored within. And they inflate. And give the energy. They are ... vibrations, sensations of lightness, peace, and harmony with myself and everything around me ... And I feel like flying ... And finally ... I feel at peace with myself.
I recently watched Billy Elliot on the TV, the boy who wanted to be a dancer, against the wishes of his father to practice boxing. A movie I’m never tired of watching for the message. He follows the golden sage advice that his mother left him in writing. I did not know her because she passed away when he was young. "Son, learn to be yourself. Do not care what anyone says. "
Billy will make a test in the most prestigious dance academy in London. In the end, they ask him what he feels when he dances. Looking for the right words he answers - sort of -: "I feel good ... I feel ... I feel it inside me ... I feel ... It feels like electricity ..."
Got it? I understand! And the confirmation that I understand gives me a good feeling when I see the final scene with the Swan Lake musical background.
And this makes me feel disarmed. And I feel a freak, and that I do not fit with my surroundings. But I do not care. I move on. Because I do know why I run. It's not something that worries me or that make me prevent from sleeping trying to make them understand. It’s difficult. Observing my happiness by practicing should be enough for them to understand. But sometimes, even that comes their way. I can’t do anything and I keep going.
Inevitably, those who will never ask that question, they also have something in common: they will not ask because they know why, because there is another thing they have in common, they run.
But I have to confess that I myself have asked that question more than once, and even more extensively. I try to compile a short list of variations on that question I've done a few times ...
Why I run, if it is raining?
Why I run in cold weather?
Why ... if it's hot?
Why ... if I'm tired?
Why ... if I play?
Why ... if today is Sunday and I could stay an extra hour in bed?
Why ... if that training is not going to go as it should?
Why ...?
Why ...?
And there are so many "why?" Those who come to my head while I dress, or I'm putting on my shoes! Do you? – Those that run, of course - right? Yes, for sure.
And do you know? I rarely answer those questions at the moment. I do not look for the answers. I do not bother about it. I don’t. I prepare and keep going. And do you know when I answer? You know when I find those answers? I found out at the end of every workout, or at the end of the race in which I compete. The digest the feelings I experienced while I was jogging. Feelings that are difficult to describe. They are just there. And often are stored within. And they inflate. And give the energy. They are ... vibrations, sensations of lightness, peace, and harmony with myself and everything around me ... And I feel like flying ... And finally ... I feel at peace with myself.
I recently watched Billy Elliot on the TV, the boy who wanted to be a dancer, against the wishes of his father to practice boxing. A movie I’m never tired of watching for the message. He follows the golden sage advice that his mother left him in writing. I did not know her because she passed away when he was young. "Son, learn to be yourself. Do not care what anyone says. "
Billy will make a test in the most prestigious dance academy in London. In the end, they ask him what he feels when he dances. Looking for the right words he answers - sort of -: "I feel good ... I feel ... I feel it inside me ... I feel ... It feels like electricity ..."
Got it? I understand! And the confirmation that I understand gives me a good feeling when I see the final scene with the Swan Lake musical background.
He made it! He
Well, for something like this I am running. I feel that energy, that power, I feel light, volatile, ethereal ... I have felt on my face the bitter cold in the morning, rain, wind and the rustle of dry leaves while running ... and my face and back soaking wet from the rain mixing up with my sweat ... I know what I’m talking about ... I have overcome obstacles that I've left behind and aimed at goals that have led me to the top within myself ... enough to know why I run.
That's where I find answers for the question “why I run”, because the answers come to me alone in the form of sensations that only oneself can decipher.
Well, for something like this I am running. I feel that energy, that power, I feel light, volatile, ethereal ... I have felt on my face the bitter cold in the morning, rain, wind and the rustle of dry leaves while running ... and my face and back soaking wet from the rain mixing up with my sweat ... I know what I’m talking about ... I have overcome obstacles that I've left behind and aimed at goals that have led me to the top within myself ... enough to know why I run.
That's where I find answers for the question “why I run”, because the answers come to me alone in the form of sensations that only oneself can decipher.
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