Beatriz Rey Ruíz
Leganés, Madrid,,
España (Spain)
corro para conseguir marcas, corro para descubrir mundos nuevos.
cuerpo se ha hecho adicto al valor del esfuerzo.
día es único y distinto al correr. Cada día las sensaciones son diferentes y yo
corro para sentirlas.
gente piensa que estoy loca al correr 42 y hasta 100 Kms. seguidos...pero yo he
tenido la cordura de no parar y de hacer realidad muchos de mis sueños.
todo esto y por la gran familia que he conocido gracias a esto.
I do not run to
get marks, I
run to discover new worlds.
My body has become addicted to the value of effort.
When running each day is unique and different. Every day the feeling is different and I run to feel this difference.
People think I'm crazy to run 42 and up to 100 kms a row ... but I have had the sense not to stop and to realize many of my dreams.
For these reasons and for the large family I've met, I thank you all.
My body has become addicted to the value of effort.
When running each day is unique and different. Every day the feeling is different and I run to feel this difference.
People think I'm crazy to run 42 and up to 100 kms a row ... but I have had the sense not to stop and to realize many of my dreams.
For these reasons and for the large family I've met, I thank you all.
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