lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

José Luis Serrano

José Luis Serrano
Madrid, España-Spain

¿Mi razón para correr? Sin duda hay varias: amistad, estar en forma, diversión, pero hay una que es la definitiva. La que me hace salir con lluvia, frio o viento. Corro para conseguir retos. Me gusta fijarme un objetivo, planificarlo, prepararlo superar dificultades, luchar y, finalmente, conseguirlo. La vida es aburrida sin retos.  

Why do I run? Without any dude I have several reasons: friendship, keep in shape, just for fun, but I have one definitive reason, One that makes me go out for run either care raining, sunny or windy day. I like to fix an aim, to plan it, to prepare it to overcome difficulties, to fight and, finally, to obtain it. The life is bored without challenges.

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